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Gör som idrottsmän, artister och många andra målmedvetna individer världen över – ta hjälp av en coach för att nå dina mål.

Ord från klienter
"I am grateful to Erik for his profound guidance towards absolute clarity. In our coaching sessions I received more than I hoped for: not only that my relationship with my partner got to the next level, the conflict that I learned to cope with, deepened the intimacy and mutual understanding with my partner. His male perspective on relationship issues has helped tremendously".

Vesna Selan
Supervisor, coach, mediator at Intia Institute
"I have the privilege to work with Erik on a deeper level. His coaching style is unique and it made me feel at ease straight away, feeling like we know each other for longer time. He guided me through very powerful exercises in a natural way so I could have a massive breakthrough. Erik is a master at understanding people's feelings and at the same time guiding and inspiring them to become a better version of themselves."

Lilia Goncalves
Registered Nurse
"After trying several different coaches in my life, both in search of success and for self improvment, I must honestly say that Erik has been the best. Well tailored to my specific goals and to fit my personality, his coaching gave me actual measurable progress and results that I was looking for".
